Who came up with the stupid idea of animal rights? I like animals as much as the next person but the do not have rights. They can be cute and fuzzy or ugly and slimy but they do not have rights.
But for the sake of argument, let us assume that the do have rights. Has anyone bothered to tell them? If a lion kills a zebra, what should the consequences be? The lion has a right to eat, but the zebra has a right to live. The lion will not eat vegetables. PETA cannot make them become vegetarians. Since the lion has to eat and the zebra has a right to live, we will have to feed the lion. Ground beef came from a cow that was killed for the sake of food. Did the cow have a right to live? The lion will only eat meat. If it does not get meat; it will become an endangered species. So what then, feed it people?
Should a dog be charged with aggravated stalking if it continues to chase and attack the same cat time and time again? Probably not, unless the cat has taken legal action against the dog. Otherwise, it is only a domestic disturbance.
There is a fly on the endangered species list now. Yes, a fly. People cannot build condominiums on their own property because a fly lives there. There are two ways to take care of that. First, some PETA or Greenpeace wacko can take the fly home with him. Let him live with a house full of nasty flies if he wants to. Another option is to get a pile of animal dung and put it somewhere near the property. The fly will move on his own. But instead, some property owner is forbidden to develop his own property because of the fly. A FLY!
There is a rancher in Texas who cannot live on or develop his legally owned ranch because of an endangered frog. The government stepped in on PETA and Greenpeace's behalf to protect the frog. Do they move the frog? Of course not. They make the ranch owner move from his own land. He still has to pay taxes on the land. He cannot sell it and the government will not pay him for his land. The government will not even relieve him of his property tax. What happened to the rancher's rights? His rights are sacrificed because of a stupid frog. A FROG!
Dolphins get caught in tuna nets. We are told by animal rights wackos how much of a tragedy this is. Government has to step in to regulate the tuna industry by passing new laws. The wackos tell us that these animals are likely the smartest animals on the earth. They talk and everything. So tuna fishermen are catching heck for catching dolphins with the tuna. The tuna and dolphins get cut up and end up in cans of the grocery store. If they are so smart, how come they keep getting caught in tuna nets? And with all of the fuss about the dolphins, no one seems to be interested in the tuna. Do they have rights too?
After the ValueJet plane crash in the swamps of Florida, searchers had sharpshooters to protect them from alligators. PETA fruitcakes actually got upset over that. The alligators were only doing what comes natural to them. They have rights! So the searchers rights should be sacrificed. Thank God, that nobody took them seriously but they were serious. It seems cowardly that the PETA fruits stood miles from the swamps and told the search crew to be brave and face the gators.
The whole idea that animals have rights is crazy enough. But the idea that their rights should take the precedence over the rights of humans is absolutely lunacy. Why do we even listen to these idiots who have less intelligence that the animals that they are trying to protect.