Glossary of Liberal Terms

This is a list of terms. You should understand one thing before reading them. The phrases on the left are liberal terms. To the right of each one is the interpretation, or conservative equivelant.

"Does not rise to the level of impeachment" "We don't care if Bill Clinton lies under oath; As long as you don't"
Affirmative Action Belief that minorities and women cannot compete with white males.
Alternate Lifestyle Homosexuality and other deviant behavior.
Biggot One who believes that people can achieve regardless of their race or gender.
Free Speech A liberal's opinion. Anything else is hate speech.
God Bill Clinton.
greedy Rich People Taxpayers.
Hate Mongerer Anyone who disagrees with a liberal.
Hate Speech Opinions that disagree with that of a liberal.
Homeless Bums.
Literature Pornography.
Mean-Spirited Conservative.
Perjury Anything a republican says.
Right Wing Fundamentalists Christians.
Sin Moral behavior.
Under Achievers Bums and lazy welchers.